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Invitation Wording
See some wordings examples below:
The info below is only a suggestion. All of the text is customizable.
1. Bride’s Parents Hosting - Formal
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Simson
request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Elizabeth Simson
Michael Peter Smith
on September nineteenth
two thousand twenty-two
at half past four o’clock in the afternoon
St. Paul Catholic Church
256 Nickpolas Street
Vilastreet, Melbourne
Reception to follow
2. Bride and Groom’s Parents Hosting
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Simson
and Mr. and Mrs. Marie Clarke
request the pleasure of your company
at the marriage of their children
Elizabeth Simson
Michael Peter Smith
on September nineteenth
two thousand twenty-two
at half past four o’clock in the afternoon
St. Paul Catholic Church
256 Nickpolas Street
Vilastreet, Melbourne
Reception to follow
3. Couple Hosting
The pleasure of your company
is requested at the marriage of
Elizabeth Simson
Michael Peter Smith
on September nineteenth
two thousand twenty-two
at half past four o’clock in the afternoon
St. Paul Catholic Church
256 Nickpolas Street
Vilastreet, Melbourne
Reception immediately following
4. Couple Hosting 2
Elizabeth Simson
Michael Peter Smith
request the honour of your presence
at their marriage
on September nineteenth
two thousand twenty-two
at half past four o’clock in the afternoon
Fawn Park Gazebo
Briar Ridge Boulevard
Parkville, Melbourne
Reception immediately following
5. Couples and Families Hosting
The pleasure of your company
is requested at the marriage of
Elizabeth Simson
Michael Peter Smith
on September nineteenth
two thousand twenty-two
at half past four o’clock in the afternoon
St. Paul Catholic Church
256 Nickpolas Street
Vilastreet, Melbourne
Dinner and dancing to follow
6. Couple Hosting 2
Elizabeth Simson
Michael Peter Smith
request the honour of your presence
at their marriage
on September nineteenth
two thousand twenty-two
at half past four o’clock in the afternoon
Fawn Park Gazebo
Briar Ridge Boulevard
Parkville, Melbourne
Dinner and dancing to follow
7. Couples and Families Hosting
Because you have shared in
our lives with your friendship and love, we
Elizabeth Simson
Michael Peter Smith
together with our families
Mrs. Jay Smith and Mr & Mrs. Thomas Vood
invite you to share
the beginning of our new life together
on Saturday, the twenty-one of september
two thousand and twenty
at half after four o’clock
Canaan Valley Resort Nature Center
2356 Main Lodge Rd. Samuel, KU
Dinner and dancing to follow
Any questions, please contact us: katie@paradiseinvitations.com